A recent survey shows that there is a painstakingly clear disconnect between the current Environmental groups and the average person- Biofriendly thinks that needs to change
Pasadena, CA (December 2, 2020)— Biofriendly, an environmental education and technology company, recently conducted an anonymous survey in hopes of gathering more information about the public’s perception of environmentalists and the concept of “going green”.
“As Biofriendly has immersed itself in the green community, it has become clear that there is a big divide between Environmental groups and the average person when talking about solving environmental issues,” said Noel Carroll, CEO of Biofriendly. “In gathering this data, we hope to bring the apparent gap to the forefront of the conversation and break down the walls. At the end of the day, I think we all can agree that in order to change anything, we need to work together.”
One of the first questions asked in the survey of 224 people, was “Do you consider the environmental movement to be welcoming?” Seventy-six percent of survey participants said that they do consider the environmental movement to be welcoming. Of those seventy-six percent, forty-two percent believe that the environmental message is not adequately getting through to others.
For the twenty-three percent of people that said the environmental movement is not welcoming, they were asked what is preventing them from participating. Fifty four percent said environmentalists are too extreme and scare them away from the cause and forty-nine percent feel that they are not convinced of the evidence supporting man-made climate change.
This is where companies like Biofriendly, who take a different, stress-free approach to environmental education can make a strong impact. Biofriendly’s online magazine Biofriendly Planet and The Biofriendly Podcast are working hard to change the tone of green education.
Additionally, seventy-eight percent agree that green technology and policies have potential to benefit and boost the economy more than traditional energy sources like fossil fuels and coal. This means that the majority of participants are ready to benefit the economy by going green.
From the data collected, it is clear that while the public believes that change is necessary, there is a strong need to break down the current messaging and education of environmentalism. It is now more important than ever for the wall between environmentalists and the average person to be broken down and Biofriendly is here to help do that.
About Biofriendly
Biofriendly was founded with the express purpose of solving the world’s air quality problems. To that end, the company introduced Green Plus® smog reducer to the market. Twenty years later, Green Plus has cleaned over 11 billion gallons of fuel and removed enough pollution to take the equivalent of a 200-mile lineup of cars off the road every year. Biofriendly continues its commitment to reducing air pollution worldwide, but has expanded its purpose toward green education, investment and environmental solutions for the future of the planet.
For more information, visit www.biofriendly.com. For environmental information and green tips, visit Biofriendly’s e-magazine at www.biofriendlyplanet.com and listen to the Biofriendly Podcast on YouTube. Follow Biofriendly Planet on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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